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My little sweet pea

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See that face? That's the face of a stay at home Momma who just happened to find a life she loved. She went on share that life with others in the form of a momprenuer title. ° Her ultimate hope is that I can help other cultivate beauty, happiness and freedom in other lives, no matter how big or small that 'dream' is. And you know what? Chase your dreams because when you are doing what you truly love to do, it’s not work! My idea of how life should be lived, can be different than yours! What matters most to me, is that I’m happy, my husband is happy, and my kids are happy! Happy to me is being in charge of my life and my time. Doing whatever it is that I want to do. If I want to add more pigs, goats, cows or more chicks to our little farm then I can lol. I want my kids to create memories and be able to experience things and to go do things! I want financial freedom so we don’t have to stress about how we are going to pay our bills. ° I'm only half a cup of coffee in,

Mama life

I managed to sneak twenty three minutes to be exact lol away from my endlessly overly active and inquisitive kiddos.... 'Momma, how does superman fly?'... 'Momma, how do you spell aquaman ?'...'Momma, listen to me count to a millionšŸ˜³?'... ummm.... how about I just make some gooey double chocolate brownies instead. °